Building emotional resilience together.
Anger has been a real issue for me all my life and the other day I was in the middle of a real volatile state and suddenly I just stopped in my tracks and thought hang on a minute and I remembered that I was in control of my steering wheel and that I had to stop and get control and that was just one of the most beautiful things that has ever happened to me. It was fantastic.
It's the greatest gift that you can offer a community– it’s both powerful and tangible.
-School Principal
Introducing the ER language throughout our workforce has had an impact in several areas. By making those hard conversations possible, not only for management but also between workers, it has increased productivity. Because the language helps you look at things objectively, you find that people tend to respond supportively rather than defensively. It has also created a more harmonious workplace as people aren’t jumping onto other people’s rough roads.
It made me feel ok. I’m not here by myself. I have support there, which helped me to work harder and a little bit more positive. It's so important when you’re doing these sort of things to have a really good positive frame of mind.
You look at the road that you're on and you always have the power to turn and I just read it and thought you know, that's so true. I am here, I'm doing this for myself and I have the power to stop. I have the power to keep going and in the end I'm doing this for me, no one else, and it's just so helpful.
It gives you so much motivation. That’s power, that’s energy
It reinforces I can do this. I can step back and look at it and make sure I get back onto the right road.
It’s really made me a stronger person, and made me realise that I have the ability to do what I want to do, and I have the ability feel how I feel, and I need to - no-one's going to be there for you all the time, and that's when you have to rely on yourself, which I never used to do. I used to rely on everyone around me, and I found that way I've had a lot more friends. I've been a lot happier.
It’s so easy to get side tracked and socialise and do other things like that and just walk away. At the end of the day, Emotional Resilience teaches you that you are the one that can take responsibility. So it’s important to check in regularly- which is what Emotional Resilience does- to make sure you’re on your road and not getting influenced by someone else. That’s why I’m still here at uni.
We had one of the ER Maps in poster form and as a magnet. Not everyone was using the language as we were trialling it in the Emergency Department. I was dealing with a lady who appeared extremely anxious. Her mind was all over the place, so asking her how she was feeling felt pointless. Instead, I asked her to point to the road on the map where she thought she was. What I found interesting was that she stopped and thought about it. Because the map was outside herself, it was easier for her to indicate where she was, rather than trying to access her feelings that were inside and confusing. Very powerful.
Using the ER language enabled us to talk without judgement. Because it is such a neutral language it’s really helpful to me as her teacher. So simple yet so valuable!
-Year One Teacher
My 4 year old son caught onto the language and the concepts really quickly. He came home from kinder the other day and said, “Mum I was on the red road today, but it’s ok because when I was sitting down watching something on the whiteboard, my friend came up and gave me a cuddle and I chose to go back on the green road.” So grateful for the powerful tool that is Emotional Resilience and what it has taught my son. In this fake driven world where everyone pretends, he now knows that to express his emotions is ok.
When I was first introduced to the language, I thought I’d never use it as it just didn’t seem suitable. Lately, I’ve been dealing with a young male (fifteen year old) who is a multi-offender. Every time I ask him why he did something, he just gets all defensive and starts having a go at me and we don’t get anywhere. His school uses ER, so the next time I confronted him, instead of asking why he did it, I tried asking, ‘What was the TEP?” thinking that he’d just throw it right back in my face like he usually did. However, this time he told me what the TEP was straight away without getting defensive and angry. His reaction was totally unexpected. I think it worked because using the ER language like TEP makes it objective. It’s as though the fault is not with you but with the TEP. It’s not inside you. The TEP’s out there, outside you. Because there is no judgement about TEPs he didn’t feel that he was failing so we could then have a productive and reasoned conversation.
-Police Officer
Emotional Resilience has helped us in our grief after losing our daughter. The language has given us a way of communicating to each other how we are feeling, that we are all on a red road and probably will be for a while- and that’s ok. Knowing that it’s ok to be on a red road has also helped us be honest with everyone, because we don’t have to pretend that we are coping when we’re not. We just have to make sure we are all mostly in control on that rough road. It has also given us the tools to be able to visit the green road occasionally, to try and get some balance back. It has been wonderful for the community as well, as the other parents, children and teachers have had a common language that they can use with us, as well as within their own family and classroom. Friends have discussed with their children that being on a red road in these circumstances is expected. They just need to be in control. Nothing can take away the tragedy of what happened, so ER is teaching all of us, (friends, family and school community), how we can respond to it. When parents talk to us they don’t have to avoid the whole situation, because the language makes it more objective. We know there will be plenty of red roads ahead and we are continually adding PETs to our list, so we can regain/maintain control through this rough time.
The long-term benefits are huge. Absolutely. If they can find ways now to build that re- silence and have some control over their choices, building those life skills, so that when bigger life events happen, continual challenges or those little ones that keep building up, they’ve got the skills in place to manage them - and to share that beyond the school community as well.
-Teacher, Perth Primary School Tasmania
Emotional Resilience Training has been an essential component of my teaching program for many years. This has provided students with the learning, understanding and language to build their self-regulation skills and the power to control their own responses to life's challenges. It has also strengthened their awareness of the emotional needs of others. This has built a community of emotionally aware and empathetic students who share their expertise with younger students as wellbeing ambassadors. The coaching and instruction provided has also become a powerful personal mindset and language. This has guided me as a mother, wife, family member and friend - for which I'm extremely grateful.
Emotional Resilience Training gave myself and my four and five year old Kindergarten children, an increased capacity to recognise and self-manage emotions. The language of Emotional Resilience was easy to use and acknowledged the importance of all emotions. It is vital in our busy world to enable children to take control and make safe decisions regarding emotional regulation. It was such a pleasure to be involved with Jane and Emotional Resilience as it unfolded and gave our whole school community a common language to develop emotional resilience, not just in an educational setting, but in all facets of life.
-Kindergarten Teacher
Emotional Resilience Training has been an essential component of my teaching program for many years. This has provided students with the learning, understanding and language to build their self-regulation skills and the power to control their own responses to life's challenges. It has also strengthened their awareness of the emotional needs of others. This has built a community of emotionally aware and empathetic students who share their expertise with younger students as wellbeing ambassadors. The coaching and instruction provided has also become a powerful personal mindset and language. This has guided me as a mother, wife, family member and friend - for which I'm extremely grateful.