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The Emotional Resilience Video Course

This course guides you on a journey towards enhancing your emotional resilience. The lessons are divided into small, manageable sections, allowing you to set your own pace. You will learn how to make simple changes to your language to create new neuropathways, manage judgement towards yourself and others, understand what triggers you to lose control and gain the ability to regain and maintain control. Additionally, you will learn how to self-regulate, take charge of your responses to people and situations, handle emotional responses from family, friends, colleagues, and strangers, and build your emotional resilience. Every video is accompanied by a corresponding worksheet that is specifically designed to strengthen and solidify the key concepts that are covered.


Suitable for use in various settings such as with individuals, families, education, and the workplace.

What you will learn from Lesson 1 

  • Simplify the intricate world of emotions by using a driving metaphor

  • Eliminate the good/bad judgement of emotions by renaming them as either rough or smooth roads

  • All roads have a purpose, so there are no wrong roads

  • You don’t need to feel a failure if you’re on a rough road

  • No longer pretend to be on a smooth road when you really aren’t

  • It is important to travel all roads, as long as you are in control

  • It is often the accumulation of the little things that can make life seem overwhelming

What you will learn from Lesson 2 

  • Language changes that you can immediately incorporate into your daily life

  • These simple changes help you eliminate judgment and regain control of your steering wheel

  • Understanding the difference between feeling in control or feeling like a victim

What you will learn from Lesson 3 

  • Your rearview mirror is small for a reason

  • Concentrating too much on what is in the past can cause you to crash

  • The windscreen is big, helping you create a new map for your future

  • How your GPS is your intuition, so listen to it

  • Why you can be addicted to emotional states

  • Don't judge yourself if you relapse and end up going down that old 6 lane highway

  • Long-term change takes time

  • How to look after your car as you are one of a kind

What you will learn from Lesson 4 

  • Defining out of control

  • Being able to identify whether you and/or those around you are in or out of control

  • Understanding that if someone is out of control, they are in the reactive part of their brain, the amygdala, so there is no point in trying to communicate with them

  • How to respond when you or others are out of control

  • Learn about your RAS and how to program it so you can create a new map daily

What you will learn from Lesson 5 

  • The skill of regaining and maintaining control no matter what road you are on

  • Be introduced to TEPs and PETs – your triggers and tools

  • The everyday TEPs are the things that accumulate over time, and eventually fill your glass

  • Expand your knowledge of your PETs

  • Using TEPs and PETs is like building a muscle, the more you use it the stronger it becomes

What you will learn from Lesson 6 

  • The positive and negative aspects of dopamine and serotonin

  • The importance of balancing your dopamine and serotonin-producing PETs

  • How to minimise the negative impact of social media, playing video games, overindulging in food and alcohol etc. on your mental and physical health

What you will learn from Lesson 7 

  • A summary of the past 6 lessons

  • Tips to incorporate ER into your daily life

  • Understand that long term change takes time, but is worth it

  • How to be kind to yourself

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ER Video Course

ER Video Course
ER Video Course: Lesson One
ER Video Course: Lesson Two
ER Video Course: Lesson Three
ER Video Course: Lesson Four
ER Video Course: Lesson Five
ER Video Course: Lesson Six
ER Video Course: Lesson Seven
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